How Much Do Moving Companies Cost in San Francisco, CA?
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Compare San Francisco, CA Moving Company prices and Save! Moving locally or long-distance has never been more affordable. The San Francisco moving companies in this directory can relocate your office or home for a fair price. Contact a supplier in the list of movers below or click ‘COMPARE QUOTES’ to be contacted by companies in your area with their most competitive pricing.
Jay’s Small Moves
1760 9th Ave
San Francisco, CA 94122
CAL-T #190688
Gentle Giant Moving Company
1560 Custer Ave
San Francisco, CA 94124
DOT #373544, ICC #MC218762
Puma Moving Company
435 23rd St
San Francisco, CA 94107
Lic# Cal T- 190391
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Golden Bay Relocation
1914, 1160 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Lic#: 0191439
Route 66 Moving Company
801 Avenue H Unit A
San Francisco, CA 94130
CA Licensed and Insured (PUC T190460)
California Movers Local & Long distance Moving Company
1010 Hyde St
San Francisco, CA 94114
Pedro’s Moving Services Inc.
903 Palou Ave
San Francisco, CA 94124
Pure Moving Company
401 Terry A Francois Blvd Ste 110
San Francisco, CA 94158
License #: MTR0191103
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How Much Does a San Francisco, CA Moving Company Cost?
If moving within the San Francisco area you move will cost between $79/Hour – $100/hour. Out of state moves will cost $4,605 – $11,703. The price is largely driven amount of furniture moved and the distance you are relocating. The cheapest price for a moving company is largely driven by the amount of furniture moved and the distance you are relocating.
Will San Francisco Movers Move Guns & Ammunition?
Moving companies can pack guns, but can not pack ammunition. Many people in San Francisco have purchased firearms from companies like Alfred’s Gunsmith Services or Peninsula Guns and Tactical, but moving companies are not permitted to transport them. Learn more about what moving companies can transport.
Will San Francisco Moving Companies Move Alcohol?
Yes. From beer to whiskey to wine, movers in San Francisco can move your alcoholic beverages.
Can San Francisco Moving Companies Transport Cars?
Yes. Maybe you just bought a car from Nissan Infiniti or San Francisco Toyota (located on Geary Blvd) and want it transported. No problem. Your movers can do that too.
Will Moving Companies in San Francisco Move Plants?
Yes. If you purchased plants from Plant Warehouse, Flora Grubb Gardens, or even if you grew them yourself, your moving company can safely transport all types of plants.
Will Home Movers in San Francisco Pack Your Stuff?
Yes. In most cases, San Francisco movers can pack your stuff for you. Companies offering these services include Gentle Giant Moving Company located at 1560 Custer Ave. Be sure and confirm this service is available from the moving company.
Will Moving Companies Store Your Stuff in a San Francisco Storage Unit?
Varies. Some moving companies in San Francisco store your belongings at places like Extra Space Storage or SOMA Self-Storage. To find a company that can store you’re your stuff place describe your needs below and we’ll get you connected with the best-qualified movers in San Francisco.
Average Home Price in San Francisco is approximately $1,104,000
Popular Neighborhoods in San Francisco
Chinatown, Forest Knolls, Ingleside, Portola, Presidio, Sherwood Forest, Stonestown, Western Addition
Attractions and Things to do in San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island
Helpful Resources
Find San Francisco Homes for Sale
Renting Apartments in San Francisco
See What’s in Walking Distance From Your San Francisco Home
The City of San Francisco Website
According to a report prepared by the United States Census Bureau, between 30 and 40 million Americans move to a new place every year!
With so many people moving all the time, the moving industry has had to learn to work efficiently and quickly. You can make your own moving process easier by following a few simple rules.
Working With San Francisco, CA Nationwide Movers
Your California nationwide movers will be able to work most efficiently if you know in advance exactly how you want them to pack your boxes and furniture. Follow these tips to pick the right company and pack your belongings the best way possible.
What to Look For In a Moving Company
There are formal and informal measurements that have been set up to help people like you to know which California nationwide movers they can trust. Take advantage of these tools and be ready to assess a company carefully before you pick them.
1. Ask Around
The personal insight of your friends, family, and community members can help you see through all the advertising and sales techniques that companies use to try and get your business.
Think of anyone you know who has moved recently, or ask your friends and acquaintances if they know anyone who has moved recently. They can give you tips about how to prepare and which companies to avoid.
2. Avoid Companies That Are Dodgy About Rates
If you’re not an expert in the moving business, it can be hard to know what signs to look for to tell if a company is reliable or not. Here’s a quick one that anyone can use.
Ask some companies about their rates. A reputable business should be upfront and clear about their rates. If you get an answer that’s not really an answer, it may be best to go with another company.
3. Check Online Reviews
Look through Google, Yelp, and other reviews to get a sense of what people are saying about the companies you have to choose from. A few google searches can clue you into any glaring defects or shining opportunities you might otherwise be unaware of.
4. Make Sure Your Movers Are Licensed and Insured
No matter what company you go with, make sure as a bare minimum that they are licensed and insured. Especially for longer moving distances, you don’t want just anyone with a moving truck to be handling your belongings.
The Department of Transportation’s database lists all the registered interstate movers.
Packing Advice
Before you get around to packing, take a significant block of time a few weeks beforehand and throw out any stuff you don’t actually need to keep around anymore.
Once you start packing, make sure to keep the stuff you use the most in a space together and pack it last so it’s easy to get to when you arrive at your new home. It can also help to keep the items from each room together so they’re easy to organize when you unpack.
Get Your Stuff Moved Without All the Stress
We hope you learned something helpful about San Francisco, CA nationwide movers and how you can make your moving process as efficient as possible. To learn more about how to find the best movers for you, check out our other pages.
Map of Service Area:
Zip Codes Served: 94102, 94103, 94104, 94105, 94107, 94108, 94109, 94110, 94111, 94112, 94114, 94115, 94116, 94117, 94118, 94121, 94122, 94123, 94124, 94127, 94129, 94130, 94131, 94132, 94133, 94134, 94158