How Much Do Moving Companies Cost in Columbus, OH?
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With Find Movers Now you can compare Columbus, OH Moving Company prices and Save! Moving locally or long-distance has never been more affordable. The Columbus moving companies in this directory can relocate your office or home for a fair price. Contact a supplier in the list of movers below or click ‘COMPARE QUOTES’ to be contacted by companies in your area with their most competitive pricing.
Leaders Moving & Storage Co
7455 Alta View Blvd
Columbus, OH 43085
USDOT:1237577 PUCO:136562-HG
America’s Best Moving Company
AIM Moving Services
2179 E Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH 43209
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GR8LABOR Moving & General Labor
2720 Airport Dr
Columbus, OH 43219
Moving Ahead Services
3883 Business Park Dr
Columbus, OH 43204
US DOT: 1657726 | MC: 609826 | PUC: 157491-HG | PA:PUC A-8919468
Planes Moving & Storage Company of Columbus
2000 Dividend Dr
Columbus, OH 43228
DOT# 1458935
Two Men and a Truck
5083 Westerville Rd
Columbus, OH 43231
DOT Number: 1146396, MC Number: 457791, State Regulatory Number: PUCO #129005-HG
Integrity Moving and Storage
2050 Corvair Blvd
Columbus, OH 43207
US Dot # 1343775 , MC # 517527 , Puco # 151315-HG
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How Much Does a Columbus, OH Moving Company Cost?
If moving within the Columbus area you move will cost between $77/Hour – $96/hour. Out of state moves will cost $4,897 – $10,705. The price is largely driven amount of furniture moved and the distance you are relocating. The cheapest price for a moving company is largely driven by the amount of furniture moved and the distance you are relocating.
Will Columbus Movers Move Guns & Ammunition?
Moving companies can pack guns, but can not pack ammunition. Many people in Columbus have purchased firearms from companies like Gun Envy or Alpha Star Tactical, but moving companies are not permitted to transport them. Learn more about what moving companies can transport.
Will Columbus Moving Companies Move Alcohol?
Yes. From beer to whiskey to wine, movers in Columbus can move your alcoholic beverages.
Can Columbus Moving Companies Transport Cars?
Yes. Maybe you just bought a car from Byers Volvo or Ricart Automotive Group (located on S Hamilton Rd) and want it transported. No problem. Your movers can do that too.
Will Moving Companies in Columbus Move Plants?
Yes. If you purchased plants from Plant Warehouse, Hor, or even if you grew them yourself, your moving company can safely transport all types of plants.
Will Home Movers in Columbus Pack Your Stuff?
Yes. In most cases, Columbus movers can pack your stuff for you. Companies offering these services include E.E. Ward Moving & Storage CO, located at 2235 Southwest Blvd, in Grove City, OH. Be sure and confirm this service is available from the moving company.
Will Moving Companies Store Your Stuff in a Columbus Storage Unit?
Varies. Some moving companies in Columbus store your belongings at places like Life Storage or Simply Self-Storage. To find a company that can store you’re your stuff place describe your needs below and we’ll get you connected with the best-qualified movers in Columbus.
The Average Home Price in Columbus is approximately $120,505
Popular Neighborhoods in Columbus
Brice, Central College, Eastmoor, Gould Park, North Rickenbacker, South London, Three Corners, West London
Attractions and Things to do in Columbus
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Scioto Audubon
Helpful Resources
Find Columbus Homes for Sale
Renting Apartments in Columbus
See What’s in Walking Distance From Your Columbus Home
The City of Columbus Website
Local, State, and Nationwide Movers Serving Columbus, OH:
Zip Codes Served: 43002, 43004, 43016, 43017, 43026, 43035, 43054, 43065, 43068, 43081, 43082, 43085, 43109, 43110, 43119, 43123, 43125, 43137, 43147, 43201, 43202, 43203, 43204, 43205, 43206, 43207
Nationwide Movers Columbus, OH
10% of Americans, or more than 30 million people, move every year. Many of these transients are happy to rely on a moving company to get the job done. Packing up is hard enough, let alone driving an unwieldy semi-truck for hours at a time.
You’re thinking of hiring a moving company in Columbus, OH. The problem is, there are simply too many to choose from. Read this short guide to narrow your list and select a reliable mover perfect for your personal needs.
1. Hiring a Moving Company
Your search starts with glowing reviews, whether by online sources or personal recommendations. The reason is simple: If the average customer has a good experience with the moving company, you should too.
As you settle on a few options, start asking for estimates. Unusual prices or great deals can help you come to a final decision. During this process, ensure that the company in question is licensed and insured by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
This isn’t just for your well-being in case of an accident. All interstate movers must be registered by law. If something seems fishy, you can insert the company’s USDOT number into the FMCSA database to make sure everything checks out.
Although you want a nationwide mover, keep it local. Illegitimate moving companies take advantage of long-distance clients by keeping all transactions online. If you live close enough to visit the moving company in person, you’re less likely to encounter a scam.
For more information, check out our guide on how to choose a moving company.
2. What Does a Long Distance Moving Company Do?
Not every moving company offers the same types of coverage. In fact, there are different types of movers, from self-service, to partial-service, to full-service. But most movers give you the option to pick and choose the service coverage you desire.
If you want full-service, the company will take care of every aspect of the physical move. This means they will box the possessions, put them in the semi-truck, drive the truck to your new home, and unpack everything.
Of course, you could choose to pack and unpack your possessions on your own terms. This means you will only pay the moving company for the delivery service.
3. Should I Tip Movers?
Should you? Yes. But no, you don’t have to.
Moving is difficult. That’s why you’re hiring a moving company in the first place. Although it isn’t mandatory, tips are generally expected for a job well done.
How does tipping work? Rather than tipping the manager, you should compensate each individual worker. Tips are not based on a percentage of the total deal.
Rather, the average mover tip falls between $20 to $50. A short local move would be on the low end, whereas a complicated interstate trip warrants more compensation.
Remember that for an interstate trip, the movers who help you pack may not be the same who help you unpack. If you plan to tip, make sure you are vigilant and continue to do so during every step of the move.
How to Find Movers in my Area
Hiring a moving company is easy. But finding the right one can be anything but. That’s why we created Find Movers Now.
With our database, you can compare prices, ratings, and more. Search local moving companies in Columbus, Ohio, and choose the one right for you.